Wigner Crystallization of Single Photons in Cold Rydberg Ensembles. J. Otterbach, M. Moos, D. Muth and M. Fleischhauer in Phys. Rev. Lett. 111:113001 (2013).  What the paper says!?

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This paper interests us in connection to our perfect single-photon source[1] and liquefaction of light,[2] since it provides a mechanism to realize what we call photon liquids. This is particularly apparent from their Fig. 3:

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where even the least correlated case (orange curve) displays oscillations as in our $N=3$ case. They also highlight the gap (where the correlation vanish over small distances). The large-$z$ behaviour given by Lieb-Liniger expression deserves further attention. Their numerical (Density matrix renormalization group) results are not exactly those of our analytical cascade mechanism, but is very close:

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Otterbach is more correlated. While this is not in time, but properly in space, the transition could be made by a sudden switch-off the driving, to let free the "Wigner crustal and convert it into a stream of photons (our liquid light):

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The "long-range" order is, however, limited to the extent of the medium, while our liquid light is of infinite extent (keep pumping).

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  1. Perfect single-photon sources. S. Khalid and F. P. Laussy in Sci. Rep. 14:2684 (2024). Pdf-48px.png
  2. Photon liquefaction in time. E. Zubizarreta Casalengua, E. del Valle and F. P. Laussy in APL Quant. 1:026117 (2024). Pdf-48px.png