Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Facultad de Ciencias C-V 509
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
C/ Fco. Tomás y Valiente 7
28049 Madrid

C-V is the "modulo" in the building that, in the map below, is also labelled 5. When you enter this building, follow on your right hand side until you find the C-V block. Take the lift or climb the stairs till 5th floor; I am in the office 509 (maybe you find Rafael Delgado Buscalioni instead of me; we're sharing this office).


You can reach the University by train from Madrid Line C4 (Línea C-4 de las Cercanías de Madrid) or by car. Parking is free and easy.

The location onsite of the above is in the building labelled 5 in the map below:


<googlemap lat="40.54495" lon="-3.695" zoom="16">

40.546085,-3.695395 Modulo 5
