
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Fp.laussy.jpgMy address at the UAM:

Facultad de Ciencias C-V 505
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
C/ Fco. Tomás y Valiente 7
28049 Madrid

It is easy to remember: it's all fives: C-V is the "modulo" in the building that, in the map below, is also labelled 5. 505 is the number of the office (despacho).


You can reach the University by train from Madrid Line C4 (Línea C-4 de las Cercanías de Madrid) or by car. Parking is free and easy (you can always park in front of where you want to go).

The location onsite of the above address is in the building labelled 5 in the map below, that you enter from "calle Francisco Tomás y Valiente". It's essentially a straight line from the train. Once you enter the building, keep "five in mind": follow on your right hand side until you find the C-V block. Take the lift or climb the stairs till 5th floor; I am in the office 505 now on your right hand side when you reach this level, end of the corridor. If the geometry of corridors looks painful, on the 5th floor of C-V, locate the fridge. My office's door is nearby.


Phone number is 2665 (extension), you can ring beforehand to check that I am there. If trying your luck, chances are excellent to get me in the range 11:00—13:00 and 14:00—20:00. You can also catch me in the Cafeteria de Ciencias in some 15 minutes window inside 13:30—14:00, if you prefer discussing over a coffee. Maybe you find Carlos Sánchez or Camilo López Carreño instead of me; we're sharing this office. They should be able to attend all the needs that would bring you to me.



Satellite view:

