Paris, the capital of France.

I had a very mild version of Paris syndrome (see here for a better description). Interestingly, not the very first time that I went there—this was with my father—but I believe on the third visit. The city suddenly appeared gross to me, dirty, full of obnoxious and arrogant people. A deep, complete, total disappointment of this place and its people. I can certainly understand it reaches traumatic proportions for delicate foreign visitors.

On the good side of it, I had opposite reactions with other cities. Madrid, for instance, appeared much more friendly and clean and, overall, civilized, against my expectations, so I came to grow uncannily fond of this city which, at the same time, has to be the less culturally and architecturally endowed capital of Europe. My wife is from there which probably accounts for that a lot.

The most beautiful tribute to Paris that I know is Brel's les prénoms de Paris:

Et savoir que demain
Sera comme aujourd'hui
C'est Paris merveilleux

All tributes to Paris are tributes to love [1].