The PLMCN (Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures) is a Conference series created and chaired by Alexey Kavokin, that we regularly attend, and to which we occasionally participate as organizers, editors, members of the programm committee, etc.
List of PLMCN we have attended: (there was a PLMCN0 but no PLMCN13 and two PLMCN(20)14):
The next PLMCN is programmed for April 2024, to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Unfortunately, the PLMCN2020, which was to take place in Clermont-Ferrand, was held online instead, due to the covid pandemics.
I was involved in PLMCN7 (as Scientific Secretary) and in PLMCN24 (as chair of the Program Committee).