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Stampit reading from file

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For the PLMCN24's abstract book, I patched stampit to read information from a file as opposed to from the filename. This allowed to include more relevant information, like the Session or the time at which the talk is scheduled. First, from the core plmcn folder that contains one subfolder of abstracts, I join all of them:

pdftk abstracts/*.pdf cat output all-abstracts.pdf

In this directory, I have the abstracts as ordered from the program, along with auxiliary pages (like day-summaries, linked from other folders):

Screenshot 20240407 170002.png

I then append the Introductory material :

pdftk program-booklet/booklet.pdf all-abstracts.pdf cat output full-book.pdf

which I burst into single pages again:

rm program-booklet/pages/pg_*.*
pdftk full-book.pdf burst output program-booklet/pages/

There in this directory,


I have stampit v0°2, along with stamp.svg and pages.txt which is of this type:

pg_0003.pdf	 1 
pg_0004.pdf	 2 
pg_0005.pdf	 3 
pg_0006.pdf	 4 
pg_0007.pdf	 5 
pg_0008.pdf	 6 
pg_0009.pdf	 7 
pg_0010.pdf	 8 
pg_0011.pdf	 9 
pg_0012.pdf	10 
pg_0013.pdf	11 
pg_0014.pdf	12 
pg_0015.pdf	13  	
pg_0016.pdf	14
pg_0017.pdf	15		    
pg_0018.pdf	16   	S1 Invited	Tue 10:00
pg_0019.pdf	17   	S1 	Tue 10:45
pg_0020.pdf	18   	S1 	Tue 11:10
pg_0021.pdf	19   	S1 	Tue 11:35
pg_0022.pdf	20   	S2 Invited  	Tue 13:30
pg_0023.pdf	21   	S2 	Tue 14:15
pg_0024.pdf	22   	S2 	Tue 14:40
pg_0025.pdf	23   	S2 	Tue 15:05
pg_0026.pdf	24   	S3 Invited  	Tue 16:00
pg_0027.pdf	25   	S3 	Tue 16:45
pg_0028.pdf	26   	S3 	Tue 17:10
pg_0029.pdf	27
pg_0030.pdf	28   	Keynote		Wed 8:40	       		    
pg_0031.pdf	29    	S4 Invited 	Wed 10:00

meaning the first 15 pages will be numbered only, while others will start featuring header content, like so:

PLMCN24--pg 0026.png

Then running stampit


and reassembling (in "stamped" directory)

cd stamped/
pdftk *.pdf cat output ../../../PLMCN24.pdf 

gives the final product!