The PLMCN (Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures) is a Conference series created and chaired by Alexey Kavokin, that we regularly attend, and to which we occasionally participated as organizers, editors, etc.
List of PLMCN we have attended: (there was a PLMCN0 but no PLMCN13 and two PLMCN(20)14):
The next PLMCN is programmed for April 2024, to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Unfortunately, the PLMCN2020, which was to take place in Clermont-Ferrand, was held online instead, due to the covid pandemics.
I was involved in PLMCN7 (as Scientific Secretary) and am involved in PLMCN24 (as chair of the Program Committee).