Kaddour Hadadi (HK)

Et malheur à celui qui pense,
Et malheur à celui qui danse.

Kaddour Hadadi is the leader of a popular-music group with social-revendication themes, including the masterpiece "Danser Encore" which challenges the covid restrictions. One of his interesting input in the genre is some sort of Célinian transmutation of the narrative style that brings in some elements of spoken, popular language, especially from immigration, alongside an otherwise highly crafted and poetic text. Examples include the main line, and the title itself, of "Danser encore":

Nous on veut continuer à danser encore

which is the type of pleonasm that one would correct in a child's phrasing but that here acquires the dimension of something between an anadiplosis and a polyptoton. This other example, that better illustrates the link to immigration, is from "Merci":

Si tout le monde il dit merci, ça irait mieux la France

where the text is given the awkward grammar of the character but without the accent by the narrator, which contributes to emphasize the urgency, authenticity and importance of the request. The correct version, "si tout le monde disait merci, la France irait mieux" (or "ça irait mieux en France"), has lost all its impact and trivialises the song. Finally, this time an exacerbated version with «Tout' mon vie, j'ai travaillé» (which one should probably write "j'ai travailler") with some créol accent from Réunion, that has the full text declinated in this way, so much as to be regarded as written in a different dialect.

This a selection of favourite creations from this artist and his band:

  1. Danser encore.
  2. Sans haine, sans armes, sans violence.
  3. Passer ma vie
  4. Merci

Danser Encore

This is the group's masterpiece, that enticed spontaneous public popular interpretations—a crowning achievement for artists of the revolutionary caliber—and which also received considerable worldwide attention.

In March (2021), Elena released an original version of "Danser Encore" with her own (non-literal) but faithful translation of the text and performing an adaptation of the music so that she could sing the text with homemade means (all with the keyboard). Elena's style when translating a song is—how it should be—to retain the meaning, spirit, beauty of the original by moulding it to the new language which becomes the receptacle of the artistic expression. This precludes a literal translation that almost always spoils both the work and the meaning. Here is a comparison of her with the original lyrics:


Nous on veut
continuer à danser encore
Voir nos pensées enlacer nos corps
Passer nos vies sur une grille d'accords
Oh, non non non non non non

Nous sommes des oiseaux de passage
Jamais dociles ni vraiment sages
Nous ne faisons pas allégeance
À l'aube en toutes circonstances
Nous venons briser le silence

Et quand le soir à la télé
Monsieur le bon roi a parlé
Venu annoncer la sentence
Nous faisons preuve d'irrévérence
Mais toujours avec élégance

Auto attestation qu'on signe
Absurdité sur ordonnance
Et malheur à celui qui pense
Et malheur à celui qui danse

Chaque mesure autoritaire
Chaque relent sécuritaire
Voit s'envoler notre confiance
Ils font preuve de tant d'insistance
Pour confiner notre conscience

Ne soyons pas impressionnables
Par tous ces gens déraisonnables
Vendeurs de peur en abondance
Angoissants, jusqu'à l'indécence
Sachons les tenir à distance

Pour notre santé mentale
Sociale et environnementale
Nos sourires, notre intelligence
Ne soyons pas sans résistance
Les instruments de leur démence.

—HK, «Danser Encore»

La intención
es que sigamos con nuestra canción,
que cuerpo y alma se unan con razón,
que no paremos nuestra danza al sol.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no

Nosotros, pájaros de paso,
libres y en paz pero no mansos,
nunca comemos de la mano.
En vista de lo que hoy es cierto
queremos romper el silencio.

Y cuando escuchamos en la tele
al señorito que defiende
la bondad de la sentencia,
mostramos nuestra irreverencia
pero siempre con elegancia.

Casa, trabajo y a lo sumo
una terraza con consumo.
El absurdo hecho ordenanza.
Y atención a aquél que piensa!
Y atención a aquél que baila!

Cada medida autoritaria
o libertad arrebatada
va agotando la confianza.
Tales niveles de insistencia
en confinar nuestra conciencia.
Mejor no dejarse impresionar
por toda esa gente irracional,
vendiendo miedo en abundancia.
Mejor tenerlos a distancia,
ser la decencia en la desgracia.

Salvemos la salud mental,
del medio ambiente y social,
nuestro reír e inteligencia.
No caigamos sin resistencia
en las garras de su demencia.

—Elena, "Seguir Bailando"

We made a video-clip to publish it on YouTube with symbolic passages of iconic movies from the universal and collective memory, which tell the tale of people's urge for freedom as expressed through dancing:

  1. West-Side Story (1961)
  2. Zorba the Greek (1964)
  3. The Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
  4. Balada Triste de Trompeta (2010)
  5. Evans almighty (2007)
  6. The King and I (1956)
  7. Cabaret (1972)
  8. Modern Times (1936)
  9. The Sound of Music (1965)
    1. Hair (1979)
    2. L'Homme-Orchestre (1970)
    3. It's always fair weather (1955)
    4. 500 days of Summer (2009)
    5. Metropolis (1927)
    6. Hellzapoppin' (1941)
    7. Dances with Wolves (1990)
    8. Jesus Christ superstar (1973)
    9. La La Land (2016)

The extracts have been carefully selected and crafted to match the text... see if you see us winking at you through well-known cinematic sequences.


  1. https://hk-officiel.com/ Hk-logo.png
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlT-vwnIAEk - YouTube link of Seguir Bailando.
  3. Danser Encore par les Petites Mains.
  4. Teresa de Blog "Nacer, lactar, amar" compartió nuestra versión como protesta por las leyes de la mascarilla para los niños y al aire libre (7 de abril de 2021).
  5. Reprises virales de France et d'ailleurs.
  6. « Danser Encore », un hymne de ralliement contre les restrictions sanitaires.
  7. Flashmob en Barcelona (23 abril 2021).
  8. Vídeo "Las emociones del corazón mueven el mundo" de Antonio Muñoz en su canal La ventana esmeralda.
  9. Seguir Bailando performed by Professor Bärsten.
  10. Versión en el Libertad 8.
  11. Versión de Pablo Peregalli.