
How to contact us

In this page is the best information available to get in touch with us (email is preferred but we are happy with everything). We are mainly based in UK (Fabrice) & Spain (Elena), but we are in a period of our lives where we do travel a lot.

Immediate contact

Elena del Valle Reboul

  • Spanish mobile: +34 639 48 85 27
  • British mobile: +44 792 807 5370 or directly, from U.K., 07928075370

Fabrice Laussy

  • British mobile: +44 (0)7757 811 886
  • Office: +44 (0)1902 322270

Our offices


I am Senior Lecturer in Quantum Optics at the University of Wolverhampton [1]. This is my contact address:

Dr. Elena del Valle
University of Wolverhampton
Faculty of Science & Engineering
MA104 Wulfruna building
Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY, UK

This is by the Marble reception (on the left when you enter from the main building).

  • Phone: +44 (0)1902 32 2458

As a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid:
Facultad de Ciencias C-V 510
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
C/ Fco. Tomás y Valiente 7
28049 Madrid
* Phone: +34 91497 3767


I am Chair of Light-Matter interactions and Director of Studies for Physics at the University of Wolverhampton [2]. This is my contact address there:

Prof. Fabrice P. LAUSSY
University of Wolverhampton
Faculty of Science & Engineering
MA104a Wulfruna building
Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY, UK

From which you can make out that I am in office MA104a in the Wulfruna building. This is by the Marble reception (on the left when you enter from the main building).

and also:

  • Phone: +44 (0)1902 322270

Our private address

In Spain

Ricardo Bofill 1, portal 8, 5B
28760, Tres Cantos, Madrid
  • Phone: +34 91 057 22 16.


Apartment 10
Scholars Walk
182 Stafford Street
WV1 1NA Wolverhampton

Where we live in the world

This map shows the main locations where we live or have our family roots. You can also see where we lived in the past.

{"markers":[{"pos":[{"lat":45.512521,"lon":3.452115}],"title":"Cham\u00e9ane","text":"Fabrice's family."},{"pos":[{"lat":40.602375,"lon":-3.71184}],"title":"Girasol 52, Tres Cantos","text":"Elena's family."},{"pos":[{"lat":43.12665,"lon":-5.695942}],"title":"Los Tornos","text":"Elena's family."},{"pos":[{"lat":40.620993,"lon":-3.704314}],"title":"Montecito","text":"Our flat in Madrid."},{"pos":[{"lat":52.587856,"lon":-2.126064}],"title":"Deguelita","text":"Our flat in Wolverhampton."}],"bounds":{"ne":{"lat":52.587856,"lon":3.452115},"sw":{"lat":40.602375,"lon":-5.695942}}}