Contents is the domain name of our web site (where you happen to be right now, if you're not doing something funny).

This web space is maintained, developed, cherished and hazarded upon in various forms by Elena del Valle (who, being Spanish, has many other names that refer to her) and Fabrice Laussy (who, being French, makes this type of comment).

We are hapilly married and scientists (condensed matter physicists), with an interest in all things. But this page is not to tell you about us. See here or there for that.

This page is to tell about the website itself. And here it comes:


Our web is powered by MediaWiki and since 31 October (2010) is completely so, that is, also our blogs are handled by the wiki. We were previously using WordPress (you can still access our old blogs) but we decided this was not the best thing to do. The reasons why are explained here. We call LaussyWiki the wiki part, which consists of the software itself and its patches (to suit our needs) along with the content, i.e., the database and the uploaded files.


The look is pretty stable but changes occasionally. Here is how it looked before:

Headers description

Iguazu falls

The falls decorating the headers of our pages are the famous Iguazu falls on the border between Brazil and Argentina. We visited the site for three days in August 2007.
The Garganta do Diabo—where a cliff opens suddenly in a river the size of the Amazon—is the most impressive natural sight we have witnessed to date.
Fr.png Es.png

Les chutes qui ornent les entêtes des pages du site sont les célèbres chutes d'Iguazu, sur la frontière entre le Brésil et l'Argentine. Nous avons passé trois jours sur le site en Août 2007.
La gorge du Diable—où un précipice s'ouvre au milieu d'une rivière de la taille de l'Amazone—reste à ce jour la plus impressionnante vision qu'il nous ait été donné de contempler.
Las cataratas que decoran la cabecera de nuestra página son las famosas Cataratas de Iguazú en la frontera entre Brasil y Argentina. Pasamos tres días visitándolas en agosto de 2007.
La Garganta do Diabo—donde un abismo se abre abruptamente en un río del tamaño del Amazonas—es la vista natural más hermosa que hemos presenciado hasta la fecha.


On 31 October (2010), we added a piece of amber and colored everything red-yellowish in celebration of the birth of Ambre Laussy, our niece, born on the 29th of this month.

Le 31 Octobre (2010), nous y avons ajouté une pièce d'ambre, en l'honneur de notre nièce Ambre Laussy, née le 29 de ce mois. El 31 de Octubre (2010), añadimos una pieza de ambar para celebrar el nacimiento de Ambre Laussy, nuestra sobrina, nacida el 29 del mismo mes.


The headers of our pages give a glimpse of the Winter Palace, the Admiralty, Saint Isaac's Cathedral, the old Stock Exchange sitting between the rostral columns of Vasilyevsky Island, embracing the Neva River bathed in the lights of the white nights.
We brought back this majestic view from a visit to our friends and colleagues of the Ioffe institute (in Saint Petersburg), Dr. Glazov, Dr. Poddubbny et al., between June and July 2010.

La photo en haut de chaque page donne un aperçu du Palais d'hiver, de l'Amirauté, de la cathédrale Saint Isaac, de la Bourse qui sied entre les colonnes rostrales de l'île de Vasilyevsky qui embrasse la Néva, ainsi baignés de la lumière des nuits blanches Russe.
Nous avons ramené cette vue majuestueuse d'une visite à nos amis et collègues du Ioffe (institut à Saint Petersbourg), Dr. Glazov, Dr. Poddubny et al. [1], entre Juin et Juillet 2010.
La cabecera de nuestra página nos asoma al Palacio de Invierno, El Admiraltado, La Catedral de San Isaac, el antiguo Mercado de Abastos emplazado entre la ristra de columnas de la isla de Vasilyevsky, fundiéndose con el Río Neva a la luz de una de las célebres noches blancas rusas.
Nos llevamos esta majestuosa vista de una visita a nuestros colegas y amigos del Ioffe Institute (en San Petersburgo), Dr. Glazov, Dr. Poddubbny et al. [2], en los meses de Junio y Julio 2010.

Bavarian Alps

Till 6, October (2013).

The panorama decorating the top of our pages shows Elena taming the Tegelberg, with a view of the Bavarian Alps in background. The city on the right is Füssen. The picture was taken by Fabrice on the first of November 2011.

Le panorama qui décore l'entête de nos pages montre Elena dominant le Tegelberg, sur fond d'Alpes Bavaroises. L'on voit aussi, à droite, la ville de Füssen. Cette photo fut prise par Fabrice le 1er Novembre 2011. El panorama que decora la cabecera de nuestra página muestra a Elena en la cima del Tegelberg, con los Alpes Bávaros de fondo. A la derecha se puede distinguir la ciudad de Füssen. Esta foto fue tomada por Fabrice el primero de Noviembre de 2011.

Madrid's skyline

Till 18 April (2014).

Madrid's skyline, as seen from somewhere in la Sierra de Madrid, decorates the head of our pages since 6 October (2013).

L'horizon de Madrid, tel qu'il se voit depuis la Sierra de Madrid, décore l'entête de nos pages depuis le 6 Octobre 2013. La línea del horizonte de Madrid, tal como se ve desde el Cerro de San Pedro, a las puertas de la Sierra, decora la cabecera de nuestras páginas desde el 6 de Octubre de 2013.


These are logos featured at the header of the site, highlighting a major event of the time.

Just married Just married!

L.png Fabrice's driving licence.

Happy-2010.png New year 2010.

Monk.png We are in Munich.

Incoherent-Mollow-triplets.png Incoherent Mollow triplets.

Humboldt.png Elena gets awarded an Humboldt fellowship.

Ampelbeb.png PLMCN11 in Berlin.

JC-ghosts.png We propose a way see the Jaynes-Cummings peaks in a strongly dissipative system.