
Summer Holidays (2015)

First week.


On our way to meet the family in Hecho, we stopped at Huesca, a place we like to stop to have a coffee...

Camping de Hecho




The Río Aragón Subordán is a fantastic place with natural pools and much to explore, with no crowds of tourist as you could expect given the spectacular and fun settings of a river flowing, whirling and cascading through the mountains.


With Lionel and Georges, we attacked the Pico de los Valles Occidentales, starting very early in the morning and coming back in the early evening in one of the most challenging hikes of my Fp.laussy.jpgthat is, Fabrice's. life. I couldn't reach the highest local maximum, only my brother did achieve this, and on the account to stay with the child who didn't want to complete the ascent either and the lack of time to later go by myself, I let my legs shake as in hope they would bring me back to the camping.


The next day of our great excursion, we went now all together on an easier hike at the frontier between Spain and France, passing through the Col de Pau.

Summer Holidays 2015

First week: Valle de Hecho
Second week: On the way to, and, Asturias.