

Fabrice's chess games

Sicilian defense

My first game. I was waiting for someone to send me a parameter for a computer code by email, and started playing crappy blitz chess on the internet. I decided this was a loss of time and decided to play at least 10 minutes games (as compared to lightning that go 1 or 2 minutes in all) and to analyze them. During my first game came the parameter by phone, disrupting me quite a lot, but I won anyway as starting from a neutral rating, I was matched against an easy opponent.

  1. 23. e5 is a blunder, the released defence of the knight on d2 is not compensated by 23... Qxd2! 24. Qxe7?? since Qg2#.
  2. 31... Rad8 is the loosing move.

King's gambit