
The Quote template allows you to easily insert a quote (and its source).

As a stylistic device, the quoted text is italicized in the box by default, so you don't need to put quote marks (" ") around the quoted text; the italics do the work of quote marks in this context. (Should you want to defeat any part of the default italics in the quote, put two apostrophes on each side of the quoted text you do not want italicized, ''like this''.)

You can pick how wide you want the box (as px or a percentage), and how to align it (center, right, left). The parameters are:


For example, entering the following:

|quote=Cry "Havoc," and let slip the dogs of war.
|source=[[William Shakespeare]], ''[[Julius Caesar (play)|Julius Caesar]]'', Act III, Scene I.

Produces this:
