
Benavente is a city in Castile and León, Spain (~20k inhabitants) in the province of Zamora. It lies on the Vía de la Plata as well as on the road from Madrid to los Tornos.

Originally known as Malgrat, its main sights are:

  1. Santa María de Azogue, s. XII. It used to feature a famous clock, which did not survive various incidents and is now replaced by one so normal-looking, you would probably not even notice it.
  2. San Juan del Mercado, contemporary to the above, with interesting frescos and Canecillos.
  3. La Torre del Caracol, the only remain of a 16th-century castle of which we have read it was destroyed by the British and French alike (it's still possible it was by both). It is now a parador in which you can have a coffee.
  4. Hospital de la Piedad, . We could not visit the chapel, which hosts Es.png"La Muerte de San José", una de las pocas esculturas que representan esa escena en el mundo.


On 23 July (2014), on our trip to Asturias (July 2014).


church of Santa María de Azogue, in Romanesque style, begun in 1180. It has a Latin cross plan, with a nave and two aisles, separated by cruciform pilasters, with five apses. The nave has Gothic cross vaults added in the 16th century. The interior is home of several Gothic sculptures, such as that of the "Annunciation" (13th century) San Juan del Mercado, in Romanesque style (12th-13th centuries). It has three decorated portals with the Adoration of the Magi, the Virgin and Child and scenes of the birth of Jesus. hospital of La Piedad, an old pilgrim hostel. Hermitage of Soledad (early 16th century) Caracol Tower