This wikilog article is a draft, it was not published yet.
- EQUONT-II, Toledo (Spain). Talk.
- NOEKS7, Karlsruhe (Germany). Poster.
- PLMCN3, Acireale (Sicily). Poster.
- PLMCN4, Saint-Petersburg (Russia). 2004. Talk.
- ICSCE, Pennsylvania (USA). Poster.
- PLMCN5, Glasgow (Scottland). 2005. Talk.
- ICSCE2, Southampton (UK). 2005. Talk & Poster.
- ICPS28, Vienna (Austria), July 2006. Poster.
- Advances in Physics and Applications of Low-Dimensitonal Systems, Brasilia (Brasil), July 2007. Invited talk.
- PLMCN7, la Habana (Cuba). Scientific Secretary.
- PLMCN8, Tokyo (Japan), April 2008. Talk.
- [ICSCE4, Cambridge (UK), 8-12 September 2008. Talk.
- ICTOPON, Alhahabad (India), January 2009. Invited talk.
- PLMCN9, Lecce (Italy). Talk.
- PLMCN10, Cuernavaca (Mexico). April 2010. Invited Talk.
- 18th International Symposium NANOSTRUCTURES: Physics and Technology, Cruise on the Volga (Russia). June 2010. Talk.
- ICPS30, Seoul (South Koreal). July 2010. Talk.
- PLMCN11, Berlin (Germany). April 2011. Talk & Poster.
- "Quantum Technology", Deutsches Museum in Munich (Germany). 9-10 May 2011. Attendant.
- SPIE Photonics West 2012 - Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XX, San Francisco (USA). January 2012. Talk.
- DPG Spring Meeting. Stuttgart (Germany). March 2012. Talk.
- ICPS31, Zurich (Switzerland). July 29-August 3 2012. Talk & Poster.
- PLMCN12, Hangzhou (China). June 2012. Talk.
- XXXV Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada (ENFMC 2012) in Águas de Lindóia (Brazil). Invited talk.
- PLMCN14, Hersonissos (Crete). May 2013. Talk & Chair.
- Conference on Resonator QED, Munich (Germany). 9-13 September 2013. Attendant.
- XIII Encuentro Nacional de Óptica, 11-16 November 2013. Medellin (Colombia). Invited talk.
- International Conference on Problems of Strongly Correlated and Interacting Systems, Saint-Petersburg (Russia). 28-31 May 2014. Invited talk.
- "Strong-Coupling of quantum dots in microcavities" at the University of Sheffield. November 2008.
- "Cavity QED under incoherent pumping: the case of quantum dots in microcavities" in the Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Festkörperphysik of Universität Bremen. 9 November 2010.
- "Cavity QED with quantum dots in microcavities" at the SFB 787 Halbleiter-Nanophotonik of the Technische Universität Berlin, 7 December 2010.
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, CV, departmental seminar. 28 November 2012.
- At the Coloquio del departamento de Física of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota (Colombia). 28 June 2013.
- "Casando la luz con la materia" in the Programa de la Jornada de Divulgación de la Investigación at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). 15 February 2013.
- "Polariton-powered devices: lasers, superfluids and superconductors" at the QSIT Seminar of the ETH[1], Zurich (Switzerland). 30 July 2013.
Visits & Stays
- Brasilia (Brasil). Two months visit at the ICCMP (International Centre of Condensed Matter Physics). July-August 2007.
- Reykjavik (Iceland). One week visit at the Dept. of Physics of the University of Iceland. April 2009.
- Cardiff (Wales). One day visit of Prof. Langbein's group (with Elena del Valle). October 2009.
- Saint-Petersburg (Russia). Two weeks visit of the IOFFE institute. June 2010.
- Bogotá (Colombia). Ten days visit at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. July 2013.
Project meetings & Workshops
- CoPhen04. Gregynog (Wales). 2004.
- QOIT project, Barcelona (Spain). November 2006. Poster.
- QOIT project, Barcelona (Spain). 25-31 January 2008. Poster.
- SOLID Workshop, WSI, Munich (Germany). 8 October 2010. Talk.
- MIFP March Meeting. Castelli Romani (Italy). March 2011. Talk.
- NanoTUM workshop in Garching (Germany), 1st June 2011.
- Memory-effects in solids workshop at the Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin (Germany). 30 November-02 December 2011. Invited talk.
- MIFP March Meeting. Castelli Romani (Italy). March 2012. Talk.
- 3rd MIFP March Meeting. March 2013. Talk.
- Varenna school CL - "Electron and Photon Confinement in Semiconductor Nanostructures", Varenna (Italy). 25 June-5 July 2002. Student.
- Varenna school CLI - "Quantum Phenomena of Mesoscopic Systems", Varenna (Italy). 9-19 July 2002. Student.
- Maratea [International Summer School of Nanophotonics, Maratea (Italy). September 2005. Professor.
- School on Atomic Quantum Fluids, Brasilia (Brasil). August 2007. Attendant.
- International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, Santiago de Cuba (Cuba). January 2009. Professor.
- International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, Maratea (Italy). 17-24 September 2009. Professor.
- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). 22 January 2013. Secretario for the Jury of Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela.
- LASMEA, Clermont-Ferrand (France). July 2013. Rapporteur de thèse for Dmitrii Visnevski.
Students & Post-doc
- Michael Schrapp, Diploma Thesis (November 2010--December 2011)
- Blanca Silva-Fernandez, Ph. D Student (June 2013--)
- Dmitrii Visnevskii, Post. Doc (1 September 2013--)
- David Colas, Ph. D Student (1 September 2013--)
- William Junio-Lima, co-supervision [for one year] with Prof. José-Maria Villas-Boas (11 November 2013--)
- Juan Pablo Restrepo Cuartas, Ph. D Student (1 January 2014--)
- Marie Curie IEF grant, codename SQOD.
- Ramón y Cajal position (June 2012--May 2017).
- European Research Council starting grant (ERC), codename PolaFlow.